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JD Electrical

Need to consult with us? Please drop us a message.


At JD Electrical & Mechanical Services we pride ourselves on an efficient and friendly service and strive to achieve 100% customer satisfaction.
We have the knowledge and experience to provide a comprehensive electrical service.

We have high standards and offer excellent value for money on every job that we complete, always maintaining a high standard of customer satisfaction, giving you complete peace of mind at all times.

If you are looking for electrical services in your area then JD Electrical & Mechanical Services are here to help! Whether you would like a free quotation or just need a reliable electrician, please contact us for more details.


Recent Projects

The project comprises of a 12,000 ft² vehicle maintenance industrial unit with two storey office spaces, storage and workshop facilities. JD Electrical completed the fit out of the workshop and office areas to the client’s specification.

The scope of works comprised ...

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Call us today on 0121 520 3700
28th May 2021

Unfortunately, once again due to the on going global pandemic, the participants and the EIC have made the informed decision to postponed the Inca Trail Trek.  All participants are very much still looking forward to completing this once in a ...

11th September 2020

At the start of 2020, JD Electrical and Mechanical Services Ltd,  celebrated after landing an internationally-recognised award for demonstrating high health and safety standards. For the second year in a row JD Electrical has received a ...


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